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First Blush

First Blush is an attempt to simulate and interact with three-dimensional representations of thoughts and ideas as they would fluidly take form in the human collective unconscious. Through an extensive archival process, thousands of artifact images were collected and divided among five categories based on a symbology of sacred objects common across various mythologies throughout history: the cup, the wheel, the scale, the instrument, and the weapon. Five generative adversarial networks (GANs) using artificial intelligence were then trained to replicate the visual characteristics of these images to produce 3D objects. We are then left to wonder whether, if AI can mimic the physical properties of our reality, do the archetypes of our imagination remain? The physical results of this project are five sculptures 3D printed in pink PVB with a USB port on the side of each one that contains the First Blush software, which you can plug into your computer to view research, data, and other media content associated with the sculpture.

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